Business Valuation and Business Modelling

Business Valuation and Business Modelling

We have demonstrated expertise in strategy and business valuation and business modelling. We consult with management on value-maximizing business strategy, investment opportunities, franchise networks and the value of individual franchises. We also provide expert opinions on intellectual property, economic and commercial damages, and related matters. Mann and Associates’valuations team specialises in independent business valuations which may be required for a variety of purposes. Our work includes reports needed to comply with accounting or regulatory standards and for tax, litigation, family or commercial purposes.

Business Modelling

Building an effective business model is a complex and difficult task and, as a result, it is no surprise that the majority of business models contain errors.

We offer both business model review and business model build services and can provide you with an experienced and dedicated team who can assist you to understand, verify and use your business model to optimize your outcomes.